Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mission Statement, and a little about me.

I am by trade, nearest I have one I suppose, a land survey field tech.  I have worn many work hats in my 32 years of life, but that one I wore the longest.  I have been raising rabbits for meat for 2 years now, and enjoy processing and preserving the apples from the aging mini orchard here, and any wild fruits we can glean.  I also have begun to hunt a bit, and my wife has a small garden, that I plan on helping her to expand next spring.  I have little formal training in many of the skills required for homesteading, nor any formal training in the art of philosophy.  I am a fan of both things, as my favorite podcaster Dan Carlin has a proclivity for labeling himself, concerning history.  Vaguely on his model, I am going to share experiences in homesteading as I have them, and as I expand my own knowledge and skills on the road to greater self-sufficiency.  As far as philosophy, I will likely post from time to time in ways that have nothing to do with the practical subjects aforementioned.  If you return to read these, bear in mind my lack of formal philosophical training, and feel free to tell me where my ponderings are redundant to prior greater works.  My purpose is mostly catharsis, as I have always wished to keep a journal.  In addition though, many people have shown some appreciation for my writing style over the years.  Being that I have never been able to take any of my book ideas out of the infancy stages, I thought that perhaps the bite sized task of composing blog posts might be a more attainable goal for sharing of myself with any and all who may wish to read about my selected thoughts and activities.  After recently separating from a large corporation, where I performed a job I found myself to be ill suited to, I am endeavoring to find a new line of work I am more passionate about that I can work for myself.  My primary career goal is to raise my children as best I am able, and provide as much self-sufficiency for our family as I can manage.  My cherished and wonderful wife's years of hard work have paid off in a new status that will allow her to be the main bread winner while I focus on re-tooling my skill set to a vocation more fitting with my disposition and passions.  I will be trying my hand at a variety of things I am interested in, the guiding principle being that even if it doesn't yield a new career path, it will be one less thing I have to rely on others for.  As I embark on this change of paths in life, I will share experiences and thoughts from time to time for greater enjoyment, hopefully, and for posterity in general.  I hope you enjoy my ramblings.

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